We help employers understand their compliance requirements, including advising on I-9 and E-Verify completion and document retention. We offer I-9 reviews and audits and staff training. USCIS provides valuable resources and free webinars on the completion of the I-9 and entering information into E-Verify.
Foreign nationals are also able to verify their employment authorization through the self-check E-Verify portal in advance of commencing new employment. If there is an issue with information retained by the Social Security Administration, or an individual’s work authorization we provide assistance in how to resolve these discrepancies efficiently.
Region 3 Behavioral Health Services (Region 3) is committed to consumers, employees, contractual providers, and the community to ensure business is conducted with integrity, in compliance with the requirements of applicable laws and sound business practices, and with the highest standards of excellence.
The Compliance Plan (“The Plan”) of Region 3 is designed to prevent, detect, and correct any instances of noncompliance with applicable federal and state law and program requirements set out in federal and state programs. Every employee at Region 3 has important responsibilities identified in The Plan, including a duty to report any compliance concerns as explained in The Plan.
The Plan is also designed to be consistent with the Federal Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General Compliance Program Guidelines. As regulatory guidance and applicable laws change, The Plan will be modified as necessary to incorporate these changes. The Plan is to be reviewed on an annual basis by the Compliance Committee. The outcome of said review will be forwarded to the Regional Administrator for approval. Amendments will be submitted to the Region 3 Governing Board by the Compliance Officer and the Regional Administrator for approval.
Stakeholders are encouraged to report, with an option to be anonymous, concerns regarding violations of compliance to the Region 3 Compliance Officer via telephone, email, or by postal service mail:
Region 3 Behavioral Health Services maintains a Grievance Policy and Process to address formal complaints of discriminatory conduct, harassment, coercion, reprisal, unfair, and discriminatory or illegal actions. It is the intent of Region 3 Behavioral Health Services to arrive at a solution to any stated formal grievance.
A formal grievance may be filed by any individual (consumer, employee, volunteer or provider) or entity. A formal grievance may be filed against Region 3, a Region 3 employee, or volunteer, a contract agency of Region 3, or an employee(s) of a contract agency of Region 3.
Filing a formal grievance shall not result in retaliation or barriers to services. If you would like to file a formal grievance, you may do so by:
It is the desire of Region 3 Behavioral Health Services to create a climate of inclusion and acceptance for ALL people living in the twenty-two counties of Region 3. Cultural competence is the ability to effectively relate to and communicate with people within and outside an organization from diverse ethnic, racial, cultural, economic, social, and linguistic backgrounds. When used by Region 3 Behavioral Health Services, the “word culture…implies the integrated pattern of human behavior that includes thoughts, communications, actions, customs, beliefs, values, and institutions of a racial, ethnic, religious, or social group. The word competence is used because it implies having the capacity to function in a particular way: the capacity to function within the context of culturally-integrated patterns of human behavior as defined by the group” (Toward a Culturally Competent System of Care, Volume 1, March 1998).
Becoming culturally competent is a dynamic process between leadership, employees, consumer, and stakeholders that requires cultural knowledge and skill development at all service levels, including strategic planning, policymaking, administration, continuous quality improvement, and practices. Region 3 has the commitment to assist employees in developing awareness to cultures and their differences, to foster a positive attitude toward diversity, to provide training for employees to gain knowledge of cultural issues, and to support employees in acquiring the skills to interact with the public and consumers in an inclusive manner.
Region 3 utilizes a Cultural Competency Plan and a CLAS Standards Matrix (Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services) to ensure that all activities and services are accessible and culturally competent. Annually, information is collected on the action steps of the plan and matrix and the results of the actions steps are reported to Leadership Team and Region 3 employees. The CQI Department reviews the results and takes the lead on implementing activities to reach the goals within the plan and matrix. The plan and matrix are reviewed and revised annually and approved by Leadership Team. Additionally, the Network Specialist disseminates the Cultural Sensitivity Survey bi-annually to contracted providers.
Region 3 Behavioral Health Services provides services and supports using Wraparound. Wraparound is family centered, community-oriented, strength-based, individualized planning processes that helps people obtain their unmet needs. As facilitators of Wraparound, Region 3 employees are expected to understand and embrace the cultures of all persons served. In addition, Region 3 has adopted “core competencies” that are a combination of observable and measurable skills, knowledge, abilities, and personal attributes that contribute to enhance employee performance and agency success. Core competencies include communication; team focus; individual and community satisfaction; occupational knowledge; adaptability; inclusiveness; leadership; accountability; and strength-based prevention. Region 3 Behavioral Health Services strives to be a leader in the area of cultural competence. Below is a list of things that Region 3 Behavioral Health Services already does in its efforts to promote culturally competent practices:
Materials translation, bilingual employee, techical assistance with consultants who are experts in the area of cultural competence, traingings, employment advertising, annual report, wraparound fidelity survey, satisfaction survey, sharing information about cultural events and holidays at staff meetings, policy manual review, an annual cultural Competency staff development, interpretation via telemedicine, and Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) compliance.
It is the intention of Region 3 Behavioral Health Services that the Cultural Competency Plan and CLAS Standards Matrix will prepare the Region 3 employees to effectively serve the ever-changing demographics of the twenty-two counties within the Region 3 service area