Region 3 Housing Assistance Program

The Region 3 Housing Assistance Program helps eligible participants obtain safe and decent housing at an affordable cost. The rental assistance funds serve as a “bridge” to other housing sources such as the Federal Housing Choice Voucher Programs (commonly referred to as “Section 8”) or living in independent housing without rental assistance.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • US citizen or have legal immigration status
  • Adult with serious mental illness and/or substance dependence
  • Extremely low income in accordance with federal definitions
  • Active participation in one of the following Behavioral Health Service Providers:
    • Assertive Community Treatment
    • Community Support Program (Goodwill or SCBS)
    • Emergency Community Support (Goodwill, Mary Lanning, Region 3, or SCBS)
    • Day Rehabilitation or Day Support
    • Maryland Living Center
    • The Bridge Aftercare Program
  • Applicants must have an Individualized Service Plan that includes the identified goal of independent living.


Referrals to the Region 3 Housing Assistance Program will only be accepted from the following Behavioral Health Service Providers: Goodwill, Mary Lanning, Region 3, SCBS, Maryland Living Center and The Bridge Aftercare Program.

For more information, contact:

Connor Gosnell
Regional Housing System Specialist


*For emergency housing assistance, such as homeless and shelter housing, please contact a provider in your area in our network directory. Region 3 does not provide emergency housing services.*